Meet Mario & Sharon Cannavo
In 1993, Mario and Sharon Cannavo were in the throws of parenting their two toddler boys and searching out educational options. They were actively studying and pursuing biblical parenting, and wanting to give their children an excellent education, that would prioritize that biblical training of their children’s hearts. Not finding exactly what they hoped for, the Cannavos along with three other like-minded couples, founded a school that sought to keep the way of the Lord as the first priority. Cornerstone Community School (CCS) was founded and existed for 22 years (1994-2016), with that purpose of educating minds, but most importantly, training the hearts of children to grow and become morally mature adults, equipped to live life successfully in a fallen world, and projecting the light of Christ to a lost generation. In order to promote a unity in purpose and spirit among the families at CCS, they prioritized the importance and value of first training parents and all teaching staff in the biblical principles of parenting and classroom management.
After years of studying and teaching biblical parenting to these families and others, Sharon combined the wisdom from Shepherding a Child's Heart by Pastor Tedd Tripp and Child Training Tips by Pastor Reb Bradley, along with her accumulated biblical knowledge, and created a platform for parents and educators to come together and learn these truths and principles. This 14 week Training Hearts for Jesus biblical parenting class and curriculum was birthed and taught by Mario and Sharon, initially in a classroom setting, and now also to the joy and excitement of many parents outside of the OC, CA area, online!
Since the first Training Hearts for Jesus class in 2006, multitudes of parents have successfully completed this course and gone on to experience victories in their parenting, resulting in families focused on living for Christ, training up their children to be morally strong individuals able to benefit their world, and God willing, walk in the image of Christ as a witness to the Gospel of salvation.
Mario and Sharon additionally serve as leaders/mentors in different ministries within their church, and Sharon is a member of the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors.
Mario's and Sharon's life verse is Matthew 6:33, and they press on to trust God and live out the truth of this verse on a daily basis:
Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.
About the Ministry
Training Hearts for Jesus Mission Statement:

Training Hearts for Jesus Vision
Declaration regarding Marriage as the Basis of Family
- We believe marriage between a man and a woman is ordained by God (Genesis 2:18-24)
- We believe marriage is a spiritual and physical union of a man and woman of which God Himself is the author (Mark 10:9)
- We believe marriage between a man and a woman is sacred (Matthew 19:4-6)
- We believe marriage between a man and a woman is honorable (Hebrew 13:4)
- We believe marriage between a man and a woman is a gift from God (1 Corinthians 7)
Declaration regarding parenthood
- We believe parents are responsible for the ministry of reconciliation to their children (2 Corinthians 5:18-20)
- We believe parents are responsible to bring up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Proverbs 22:6; Ephesians 6:4, Deuteronomy 6:7-9)
- We believe it is the parent’s responsibility to train the hearts of their children to understand godly respect on four levels:
- Respect for Elders
- Respect for Authorities
- Respect for Peers
- Respect for Property
- We believe the duty, hope and goal of Christian parents is to raise a morally responsible child who, by God's grace, comes to salvation in Jesus Christ, who's life is governed by the precepts of Christ, and one who reflects the love of Christ (Proverbs 1:1-7; 8:33; 9:9; Micah 6:8, John 13:34-35)
Statement of Faith:
Legal Notices and Disclaimers
Legal Notice to enrolled students of Training Hearts for Jesus. Materials used in our on-line and live classes are used with permission by the author’s Tedd Tripp and Reb Bradley. The Shepherding A Child’s Heart video series is copyrighted by Shepherd Press and used with the permission of Tedd Tripp for the limited use of teaching in conjunction with the book Shepherding A Child’s Heart and the Training Hearts For Jesus curriculum.
Use of any of the aforementioned materials is also in compliance with Section 107 of the Copyright Act. The materials and videos will be restricted and permission is granted to utilize the materials for class teaching and study as authorized by Training Hearts for Jesus to students enrolled in the course only. Access to the video link will be deactivated at the conclusion of each session. Any illegal reproduction of any of the video or written content will result in immediate legal action.
Training Hearts for Jesus, Inc. is a California Non-Profit 501(c)3 corporation dedicated to helping parents grow in their biblical knowledge and practice of parenting for the glory of God.